Bring your artworks and prints to life with our superior quality products. Moses with the ten commandments art print by rembrandt.
Moses breaking the tablets of the law is a 1659 painting of the prophet moses by the dutch artist rembrandt.

Moses painting rembrandt ten commandments. Lawmaker moses had just descended from mount sinai with two stone tablets on which was written with the finger of god the ten commandments. Carefully printed on high quality materials these prints come with equal sized mat that adds a depth perspective frames or stretched on a white maple wooden frame gallery wrap. Das 1659 mit ol auf leinwand gemalte bild ist 1685 zentimeter hoch und 1365 zentimeter breit.
Oil on canvas gemaldegalerie berlin germany. Master of the dutch golden age rembrandt 160669 was a prolific painter draftsman and etcher. Httpdigliblibraryvanderbilteduact imagelinkplrc55126 use this link to refer back to this image.
The receipt of the ten commandments by moses was satirized in mel brookss movie history of the world part i 1981 which shows moses played by brooks in a similar costume to charlton hestons moses in the 1956 film receiving three tablets containing fifteen commandments but before he can present them to his people he stumbles and drops. It depicts moses about to break the original two stone tablets inscribed with the ten commandments. The skin of his face is shining though in fact this is not mentioned until the tablets had been handed over for the second and.
Moses face however does not appear all that angry. Indeed the title of the painting sometimes given as moses with the ten commandments perhaps more frequently appears as moses breaking or smashing the tablets of the law. It is now in the gemaldegalerie berlin.
Moses zerschmettert die gesetzestafeln ist ein historiengemalde von rembrandt van rijn. Es zeigt moses nach dem ersten abstieg vom berg sinai als er die gesetzestafeln als reaktion auf die anbetung des goldenen kalbes zerschmettert. Rowohlt taschenbuch verlag reinbek 2006.
Dumont literatur und kunst koln 2006. Moses with the ten commandments rembrandt 1659. Genie auf der suche.
Rembrandt van rijn moses with the tablets of the law 1659. Gemaldegalerie staatliche museen zu berlin berlin germany. All the best moses 10 commandments painting 33 collected on this page.
Moses is clearly about to smash the stone tablets which he has just received in rage and sorrow over the golden calf that has been erected in his absence. This is undoubtedly a solemn event but it is difficult to be sure if a moment of triumph or anger is depicted here when moses seeing that the sons of israel are worshiping the golden calf threw the tablets out of their hands and broke them under the mountain.
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