I started reading blogs by some excellent modelers and gamers. I would look at their stuff and often it would be difficult to figure out whether I was looking at a 28mm or a 15mm lay out. I started clicking links to mini manufacturers and finding a ton of very nice looking 15s. I resisted the urge.
For a long time I reasoned that I had an extensive collection of 28mm figures and terrain. I reasoned that I had built my entire hobby around this scale for so many years it would be too challenging - and too expensive - to begin again in a new scale. I reasoned that as I've aged my eyesight is less acute, my hand a bit less steady. I had many very good reasons for not getting into 15mm. Then last week I said, "the hell with it" and took the leap. There's no looking back.
Truth is for a long time I've wanted to get into scifi gaming that was not 40K or a 40K-look-alike. I wanted some real, gritty future scifi and all the best stuff seems to be in 15mm for that genre. So, with a 5150: Star Army campaign in mind I went shopping.
First up was to buy some Earth Force and Sahadeen platoons from Rebel Minis.
Earth Force primed, based and ready for paint. |
Sahadeen still in the bags. |
My campaign idea is for a desert world with these two as the main opposing forces. I also want to get some Garn from Khurasan just because they are cool figures. They will act as an indigenous force, possibly fighting the others or sometimes used as mercenaries by both Earth Force and Sahadeen. I will also be buying some vehicles from Ground Zero Games; models to as yet be determined.
I decided to build a dedicated desert terrain table for this project. I went with a simple 3'x3' table, which is the recommended size for Two Hour Wargames.
Just needs paint and texture! |
Bottom showing support braces. |
Finally, I've also begun to build some "desert research post" buildings.
Dug through the "bits box" and found some likely components... |
3 research station buildings started from breakfast cereal tubs and plasticard. The model bases are all old CDs. |
The power station. The chimneys are a set of cannons from an old toy. |
So, that's been my week hobby-wise. I should have more to show soon. Until then, carry on.
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